Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 14-a new job

This morning I got a phone call from the principal at Okaloosa Academy. He didn't say I had the job but he asked me to come by the school when I had a chance. I dropped the kids off with my mom (thank you!) and headed over. He showed me around the school and finally mentioned that I had the job. I wasn't sure what he was doing until that point! Hooray!! He said he wanted me to come see the school and hear what he had in mind before I really decided to take the job. He also gave me the task of developing the reading program from the ground up. Yeah. No pressure! But I'm excited!! Back in the classroom I go!!


~BridgetL~ said...

how cool, congrats on the new job. Hope you have a great school yr :)

Chirpin Is Fun said...

I know it is rough beginning a new job and a new school year. But you can do it! Keep your head up and you will accomplish alot with those kids!

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