Monday, April 12, 2010

April 11-Air show

Today was the last day of the Air Show at Eglin. I really wanted to take the babies but Matt couldn't go because he was working. My parents were there with their Mustang Club so I headed out there. We parked so far away we had to take a shuttle bus to get to the flightline. Picture this: Me. Ava, Brayden, a double stroller and our bag. Yikes. Luckily the people working there were very helpful with the kids and helping me get the stroller off and on. I had to fold it up and although Ava does really well staying with my Brayden isn't as good at it. But we made it there, found my parents and walked through the exhibits. The Thunderbirds waiting on the runway before their show. This is the best snake picture I could take. The other times I was trying to keep Brayden from grabbing the snakes from the poor Army Rangers. No fear, my child.

After the show we got to meet some of the Thunderbirds and get their signatures. I was probably more excited than the babies were! We only got one of the pilots to sign before they had to go. But Thunderbird 6, Capt. Aaron Jelinek signed our book. I really thought he wasn't going to because they called for the end of the meet and greet and I was hoping he would. He reached down and looked like he was putting his pen away and I was really bummed. He kept talking to Brayden and said, "before I go, I have something really special for you!" And he pulled out a mini flag! He told them he flew it on his mission today and gave it to Brayden!! I was really pleased and I didn't get any pictures because I had resigned myself to the fact that he wasn't going to even sign our book (which he did, too!)!
The babies were troopers and did so well, and we rode the bus home and went to see Matt at work and went home and slept hard!


~BridgetL~ said...

I love the Thunderbirds. I love that #6 gave Brayden the flag. He looks so cute holding the bigger flag in the first picture. No way would I have gotten that close to the snake.

Kelly said...

Sounds like a great day! I hear you with that double stroller! It is crazy taking that anywhere!

Lynn said...

Looks like a fun day!

Mandy said...

Love that snake story! What a fun day..we love air shows!

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