Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010 {handwriting}

Some of you may recognize this picture from My May moms were posting about it so I headed to check out. I am starting this tomorrow, which is why it isn't fully filled out. I am not sure exactly how to do or really what to do. I Know stuff needs to get done. I am definitely a visual person. If I write it down, I'll see it, I can do it, I love to mark things off! One thing I loved that she mentioned on her blog, though, was the lax of schedules. She doesn't give a time for everything, only those things that HAVE to have times, like appointments, pick ups, meetings, etc. She even has a place to jot down blog posts, water intake and daily inspiration whether it be a quote or Bible passage. She has smaller ones too and other really good downloadable sheets. I'll get back to you on how this works. :)

1 comment:

Bus Rider said...

I was thinking "Hey that piece of paper looks familiar!" I think I checked out her blog when you (or someone else?) posted it on the board.

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