Friday, February 5, 2010

Dirty Scraps challenge 2

At Dirty Scraps, the new challenge is to scrap a pivotal moment, good or bad. What was a time your life changed? I scrapped about the time I found out I was pregnant. My life had already changed by the time I had my baby, so it was at the moment that I saw that "Little Blue Line."

The journaling reads:

My life changed with that LITTLE BLUE LINE. I wasn't married, hadn't known him that long, I partied, lived like a single 20 something. All of a sudden, I had another to take care of. I had to tell my Dad...My single life became a family life. I cried when I found out. Scared. This wasn't a puppy or a boyfriend break up. My life wasn't changing, it jumped the tracks. Nothing, now, is for me. Every decision is affected by my children. They will become who they are because of me. As I have become who I am because of them.


Unknown said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Just love it!

~BridgetL~ said...

very touching journaling. Love the layout.

AmesOx said...

Jen, this is such a wonderful LO! I love your journaling and subject for this challenge!

Laurajean said...

Incredible layout!! Thanks for playin with us at Dirty Scraps :)

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