Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27: January 27 {unexpected}

Our Science teacher has a rat for the kids to help take care of and just watch in general. His name is Einstein. The kids came to see him before Christmas and he was super small. In two weeks he grew HUGE. I brought the kids by to see him today and Brayden loved holding him. Ava would pet him but not hold him.
This is the English teacher. Hopefully it's a better picture of how long the rat really is. I picked unexpected because we really didn't expect him to grow this big!


Lynn said...

You're little guy is so cute with that rat!

~BridgetL~ said...

Im with Ava, I would not hold that thing. I don't even know if I would pet it. lol

Mandy said...

I'm not sure I would even be brave enough to pet it....I really hate rats. We had a wild one try to get into our house was huge!

Debbie L said...

ummmm...I think I am going to see yuck! I wouldn't want to do that. Your sweetie looks like he was sure enjoying it!

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Rodents should not be pets! Oh my goodness! But your little guy sure doesn't mind!

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